Sozo Ministry

Bethel Sozo Ministry

SOZO: Verb
To save, heal, to deliver
The Sozo ministry is a unique inner healing and deliverance ministry in which the main aim is to get to the root of those things hindering your personal connection with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Thus with a healed connection with Father, Son and Holy Spirit you can walk in the destiny to which you have been called.
Sozo is an inner healing/deliverance ministry
Sozo is simple, fast, Spirit led and effective
Sozo finds issues in minutes instead of years
Sozo helps heal your relationship with God to enable you to fulfill your destiny

History of SOZO -
In 1997 Randy Clark, a healing evangelist, held meetings at Bethel Church. At that time, Pastor Clark would send a team to train a congregation how to be prayer servants. A small portion of that training was a model of “deliverance” from Argentina. This model became our first tool “The Four Doors”.

Dawna DeSilva, the leader and founder of the Sozo Ministry, attended this training at Bethel. Afterward, Dawna began to use the concept of “The Four Doors” when she prayed for people. Seeing a miraculous difference in people’s level of freedom, the “Sozo Ministry” was birthed. As the Sozo Ministry developed, the Lord introduced other tools that have aided in people being healed and released from the wounds and lies which have hindered those individuals from the Godhead and their destiny.

Our Videos

Sozo Ministry at the House


Personal SOZO

This is a time for the Sozo team to sit down with you and, with the help of Holy Spirit walk you through the process of freedom and wholeness.  Sozo is not a counseling session, but a time interacting with Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit for ...

Marriage Enrichment for Couples

For questions email

Children’s SOZO

To schedule a Children's Sozo session email


To schedule an Art Sozo email

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Sozo Training at Your Location

SOZO TRAINING AT THE HOUSE - for more information email


The goal of the Bethel Sozo Basic training is to provide tools and information to be trained in the Bethel Sozo ministry. In the Basic Training the Father Ladder, Four Doors, Presenting Jesus and The Wall are the tools taught. Forgiveness teaching and other pertinent information are also included in the training.

The seminar is set up so that once the Bethel Sozo training is completed, the church or organization has developed experience, and the pastor/leader is comfortable with the Sozo ministry, then the group is able to start a Bethel Sozo ministry.

If the new Bethel Sozo ministry wishes to be part of the Bethel Sozo Network, a relationship with a Regional  Facilitator nearest to their location is required.

The tools and information are helpful for those in other inner healing/deliverance ministries, healing rooms, prayer or counseling ministries.

The leadership that is hosting the training will determine those invited to attend this seminar. Those invited can be from the congregation, people released into the Sozo ministry or people from the community.

If the leadership is interested, our team can travel on Thursday, allowing the opportunities for personal ministry time on Friday, morning and afternoon. The Basic Sozo training is Friday evening (7:00pm-9:00pm) and Saturday (9am-5pm). The number of team members traveling to the location will determine the number of personal sessions that can be accommodated. We ask for a donation of $75 for each personal ministry time during these time slots.