Dear Claire @ Laurie,
Galatians 6: 6-10 Therefore as we have opportunity let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith.
When I was reading this from my Bible today it made me think of you gals. I know you gals must think that I have forgotten my Sozo Experience., but this is the first time I have been back on my computer. I have been living in State Street Assisted Living for a year now. I have really been so unhappy here, however my Lord, Jesus, hasĀ been with me all the time.
Finally, I will be moving into an apartment of my own again soon. I will let you know the new address as soon as I get moved. About Sozo, I did not know why my daughter, Sandy, from Las Vegas, wanted me to have the experience but I was really glad she did. It awakened in me the desire to live, and teach through the Holy Spirit once again. I have been down many paths during my lifetime and I feel like I have so much to share about Jesus. He was always there for me. Even when life was tough I always turned to Him.
I really want to thank you both for this wonderful experience. I am sending your questionnaire to you through snail mail. I'm enclosing my latest poem with it. Right now I cannot get on here to send any of my poetry.
Thank you again. Yours in Christ.
"Having no idea what to expect from a Sozo experience, I went in with the idea that I would reveal only what I was comfortable with...boy was I wrong! Lol. Father God had other plans for this gal that had so many walls built...ones built a long time ago and forgotten about. Ones I never realized were built and by whom.
My sozo experience had everything to do with healing long forgotten hurts that closed doors never realized. Father God opened those doors and invited me to walk through with Him. The healing experienced has been liberating! The opened doors brought forth a union with God I was searching for and thought may not exist for me.
Sozo ended the separation between Father God and I and ignited a new level.of my relationship with Him."
Patricia (Trish) Anderson
"Having a pretty good understanding of a regular Sozo session and having had several successful sozo sessions over the years to realign myself with Father God and His concerns of my heart, I thought I had a good idea of what to expect in an art sozo, which is somewhat still true. The Art Sozo session I participated in really broadened my understanding of how God can speak in other ways. I had learned how God can speak to you in your thoughts or even sometimes audibly or with pictures in your mind. But to see how He could speak with some paint on a canvas to reach you in an inexplicable way... that was shocking. Like I said, I had had several sozos over the last decade where God always pointed out His concern of my heart over what I thought were issues. He did the same thing for me in an art sozo. I wanted to try an art sozo because at the time, I had a hard time hearing His voice in that season. It was such a relief to find His voice again... only this time visually and something I could take with me as a reminder."